Psychic Cynthia Killion

Grand Sextile Alignment, Page 2

Written by Spiritual Psychic Rev. Cynthia Killion
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Sunset 1

  WHAT kind of energy are we being blasted with? 

       Of course, the way these energies are experienced will vary from person to person, and your experience of energy depends on many different factors, including your own unique astrology chart, your life situation, your genetics, your history & family background, your spiritual awareness & understanding, and of course, your attitude, and the choices you make.

      Nonetheless....even though the experience of the energy may differ from person-to-person (based on the factors I have listed above, and many more), the Actual Energy that is pouring down upon the earth plane as a result of this alignment is the same for everyone.

      This is an energy of grace, ease, and forgiveness.  It comes to bring you blessings. 

      Regardless of your exact birth chart, astrology signs, or life situation, this alignment is giving you the opportunity to forgive and forget, to release and let go, and to MOVE ON in one or more areas of life.  It is a very EXPANSIVE alignment.  However, only those who can forgive and both accept & give spiritual grace will be expanded by it...only those who are willing to let go of the past, be fluid like water, and embrace new life situations, will be blessed & expanded in the highest most constructive and blissful ways.

      In other words, your response to the energy does matter. 

        This is mostly a POSITIVE energy that is trying to move you forward. However, if you insist on clinging to the past and doing things the same old way, especially if you insist on holding onto anger, grudges & unforgiveness, or if you continue to be stubborn & resistant, refusing to do the things that you know you really need to do for your own higher growth, well then....if you insist on resisting and clawing tightly to the dirt & the underbrush of the past, then rather than feeling "blessed" by this alignment, it may instead feel as if you are being dragged down into the undercurrents of your own emotion & frustrated passions.

       CHANGE IS NECESSARY.  However, most of the necessary change is within the individual, and not in the outer world.  In other words, it's not so much that your "life situation" must change, or that "other people" must change, but that at this time, you are needing to change YOUR OWN attitude and perceptions to be more fluid, more forgiving, more adaptable, and more in the spirit of "go with the flow".

        In other words, it's a "sink or swim" moment.  Or, to put it more precisely, it's a "sink or float" time

         To float, you must be light, loving, buoyant, receptive, positive, and forgiving.  At the very least, you must be open to the possibility of living life with greater grace & ease.  This energy that is coming in right now will make it easier for you to be in this fluid & receptive energy state.  However, it cannot "make" you relax and go with the flow.  You have to choose to do that yourself (or not do it, depending on what you decide). 

                You might think of this current shift that is occurring as being a bit like sunshine....everybody knows that it's easier to feel happier & relaxed on a sunny day.  But somehow some people still manage to pout & feel sorry for themselves even on the most splendid of days.  In the same way, because of the innate nature of this beautiful, blessed alignment, it is easy to experience inner grace & healing right now, and to open yourself up to new opportunities for joy, expansion, enlightenment, and abundance.  But you still get to choose whether you will accept this energy, or whether you will struggle against it instead.

         Remember that the choice of how you respond is up to YOU.


            Different people will experience this energy in different ways (especially in relationship to your own unique birth chart & psychic energy make-up).  Therefore, each person will have different things they will need to do & different issues they will need to deal with in order to ensure that they "float" instead of "sink" as a result of this alignment.  When I work with a person doing their reading, I look at their individual energies & make suggestions for "floating" based on their own unique energy. 

           What follows below are UNIVERSAL suggestions for dealing with & optimizing this influx of "Grand Sextile" energy.  They are not based on your own unique psychic energy make-up or birth chart, therefore, not all of them will speak to you personally. However, most of these suggestions will work for just about anyone.

         Your intuition will naturally lead you to resonate with the one (or more) suggestions below that are more relevant to you at this time.  If you want more personalized assistance relating to how this "Grand Sextile Shift" affects you personally, then I recommend scheduling a reading with myself, or any other well-qualified astrologer or psychic who understands the spiritual, emotional, mystical, and mental significance of this "Grand Sextile Event".

>>>>>>>>>CLICK HERE to find out how you can best cope & thrive <<<<<<<<<<


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Cynthia Killion * Psychic Cynthia *  316.347.9481 * (E-mail or FB message usually best way to contact)