Welcome, Beautiful Soul! This page is your quick & easy way to reserve your reading with Rev.
Dr. Psychic Cynthia once you have decided that you are READY to take this step. The links on this page will take you to where you need to go to reserve
the specific kind of reading you are wanting. Please note that if you still have questions regarding the kinds of readings that Psychic Cynthia offers
or basic info on readings (such as fees), you may wish to go to the READING DIRECTORY, as this is an easy way to find info on ALL the different readings thta Psychic Cynthia offers. Or keep
reading below to see if what you need is provided here.
on scheduling SPIRITUAL PSYCHIC READING *Best (non-astrological) reading for when you are at a crossroads or just seeking guidance regarding career, relationships, business or finance issues, life direction, family issues, spirituality, health, or
any other current events related issue
Info on scheduling Psychic Astrology Readings * Psychic Cynthia's premium
astrological based readings to help you discovery your life program, get astrological predictions, choose a new location,
or understand the astrological components of your relationship better
*Info on
scheduling Chinese Astrology Readings * Yes, you read right, this is a reading based on CHINESE ASTROLOGY and the Eastern Zodiac that includes the
animal signs. (Although Psychic Cynthia is a Westerner, and practices Western astrology, she also utilizeds Chinese
astrology to help clients gain even GREATER insights & wisdom. In fact, her doctorate thesis was over Chinesese
astrology.) This kind of astrology reading is very useful for helping you understand yourself and how you function in
love, relationships, business, health & career. Also good for determining your lucky (and unlucky) elements and
compatibilities with other animal signs.
*Info on scheduling
for when you want your reading to focus on making contact with a loved one who has gone on to the other side
*Info on scheduling
your Spiritual Psychic MENTORSHIP reading *
For those who are working directly on their OWN spiritual growth and psychic awakening and want more than just a reading but
prefer BOTH reading and mentorship together.
To view Cynthia's schedule of
"possible reading slots" for the current month, or to get general information about when Cynthia is available for
doing readings, please CLICK HERE.
Note: Rev. Dr. Killion
usually has at least some openings each month for private readings from January through November each year. However,
Rev. Dr. Killion does not do private readings during the month of December. Please plan accordingly.

Questions about which kind of session is best for you? Answer:
Most people who want psychic, mediumistic or spiritual assistance with general life situations (such
as family, relationship, business, career, health, spiritual development and life direction guidance) start with the Spiritual Psychic Reading. However, if your main concern is that you need to
make your peace with someone who has passed on to the Other Side, then a spiritual psychic MEDIUMSHIP reading would be best for you. On the other hand, if you are looking for very specific guidance concerning your
life purpose, life program, or mission here, you should check out the Psychic Astrology Reading info page. This is also the place to go to if you want very in-depth info on relationship
compatibilty, or astrological forecasting. You may also want to check out the Chinese astrology reading page if you are looking for more info about your deepest self or want
to do a relationship compatability reading. The Spiritual Psychic MENTORSHIP reading is for those who are wanting something more along the lines of psychic
teaching and/or psychic mentorship to work towards specific goals, objectives or a focus. If you're still not sure which service would be most helpful to you, then
send Cynthia a brief e-mail (no more than 1 or 2 paragraphs, please) at cynthia@cynthiakillion.com describing your situation & what it is you feel you
most need at this time, and Cynthia or a member of her team will make a recommendation. Please save any specific questions
about your situation for your actual session.