Psychic Cynthia's
Psychic Empowerment Circle
2020 Session: Fire & Ice Rebirth Your Life
spiritual-psychic based mystery school & community for those who wish to connect in a circle of kindred souls while exploring the spiritual
psychic & magical arts....
With the guidance of Rev.
Dr. Psychic Cynthia Killion
monthly power gatherings & classes are conducted via TELEPHONE so that you can easily connect from wherever
you are
Recordings will be available in case you have to miss a call In addition to our 9 power calls, we may schedule
1-3 in-person gatherings (in the Wichita, KS area) over the course of our session Please see below for what is included in this group program

The Psychic Empowerment Circle is a spiritual-psychic based,
modern day mystery school being created by Psychic Cynthia to bring together a small (but POWERFUL) group of supportive &
kindred spirits who are committed to raising consciousness, growing spiritually and psychically, and reclaiming and walking
in their true magical & spiritual power. We will connect together for our Winter-Spring session January through
May, in order to get energized, inspired & uplifted for the season of manifestation that starts in the summer. CLICK HERE to watch the video invite for this group from Psychic Cynthia, or keep reading below
for more info.
$425 when enrolled January 1st or thereafter ($375 for entire program*
at EARLY BIRD RATE, when enrolled by or before Dec 31st, 2019 ) NOTE: *This fee covers all 5 components of this full program, including all 9
of your Power Gathering Calls (Jan-May 2020), your power-packets (5), PLUS your bonus Astro-Basics tele-class calls (4), AS WELL AS your Path Finder rune-reading gift & AND Self-Care Spring Regeneration herbal kit, which will include Flower Essences, among other herbal creations. (Please see below for more details on these additional aspects of this program.) Can't swing
the tuition for the full program at the moment? Or do you just prefer to participate in the power calls only & don't care so much about all other
stuff that is included in the full program? Then
you can enroll at the basic level for $325 (only $275 if you enroll by or before Dec 31st 2019), which includes the
9 power-gathering calls & power packets only, for January through May 2020. CLICK HERE to get signed up
or for more info on
tuition. Please continue reading below for more detailed info about
what is included in this program.

SEER WAYS There will be a total
of 9 official Power-Gathering calls for this circle in January through May, plus 4 additional Astro-Basics training class
calls (for those who wish to take advantage of this additional bonus gift.) Each call will include relaxing & empowering
meditation, ritual, or trancework to help you cross the gateway into higher psychic awareness & magical empowerment. Furthermore, for each power-gathering, Psychic Cynthia
will do a short presentation on one or more aspects of the spiritual psychic realm, AND then she will open the lines
to take questions, mentor the group, or even do a short reading for those who might need it, and also have time for sharing
for those who wish to. She envisions these power-gathering calls as being a cross between a psychic mastermind group,
a spiritualist gathering, and a nature psychic, ecstatic shamanism training circle. During these live calls, there may drumming, singing, toning, chanting,
channeling, or even times of simply going into the silence together and retrieving power & knowledge from within.
Because this program is based on a mystery
school model (which always involves utilizing myth & stories to expand consciousness), Cynthia will also incorporate stories
of Gods, Goddesses, Elemental Powers or other magical beings and phenomenon into each of our calls.  The theme for this first session of Psychic Empowerment is FIRE & ICE, Rebirth
Your Life. This theme is based on the energies & patterns contained in the ancient Nordic creation
myth. We will utilize stories & mythos from the Norse tradition (along with some from the Greek-Roman tradition
as well) to guide us into the mysteries of the inner self and help awaken the seer, psychic, and Wise One within. For
this winter-spring session, each of our 9 power-gathering calls will have a topic connecting to one or more stories or aspects
of Northern Spirituality, and how these stories connect to the spiritual psychic path and can assist us in further awakening
& empowering ourselves. You do not need
to have any prior or particular association with Nordic spirituality to participate in these classes, nor do you even have
to embrace this as your "main" spirituality in order to participate--you only need to be open to the wisdom these
stories & archetypes can transmit to you as you embark upon this journey with the group & concentrate upon your own
spiritual psychic awakening and strengthening.
Since this is a circle (and not a hierarchary) you need have no previous experience or study to join
our circle--all that is required as prerequisites are COURAGE & COMMITMENT to your OWN path of spiritual power & empowerment.
ALL are welcome who are willing to take responsibility for their own growth and learning, and all are welcome who feel ready
(or even, ALMOST ready) to do the spiritual work necessary to step deeper into their true spiritual psychic power and empowerment. Fellow Sisters, Brothers, Kindred of All Kinds,
let us come together and cross the threshold, from one state of being to the next higher form of wisdom & awakening.
1) Nine Power-Gathering calls (about two each month, except for May, which has just one),
January through May, about 75-90 min each (Regular Value:
$300) You can see the schedule of planned dates for our power-gathering calls by clicking here. NOTE: Power-Gathering Group calls will be a combination of relaxing meditation,
teaching on our power topic for the month, along with time for one-on-one mentorship for those who need it during the call.
Most months, there will be 2 calls, one on a Wednesday evening at around 8 pm central time--the other on a Sunday afternoon
at 3 pm central time. (May only has one call, since there are 9 calls total.) Calls will be approximately 90 minutes
in length. For each Power Gathering call,
Psychic Cynthia intends to allow at least 30 minutes for answering questions & mentoring circle members on the live call.
During this time on the calls, you can introduce yourself to the group if you would like (and ONLY if you would like, as there
is no requirement to do so). When the lines are open for Q & A, you can also interact personally with Psychic Cynthia
and ask her questions relating to the topic of the day, or any other spiritual psychic or magical related topic. And yes, because you are part of this circle, if there is a life issue that
you are dealing with at the time, that you would like Psychic Cynthia's help with, you can also request a short personal reading
right there on the call, or request advice & input from other members of the group who are on the call & willing to
share. And of course, if you are ever unable to
attend one of the live calls, then a recording will be available for you to listen back to later. To read more about the proposed topics for our power-gathering calls, click here.

--Component 2) 5
downloadable Power-Packets to go along with our discussion topics for the month-maybe 1 or 2 extra bonus packets too (written
curriculum)- These will probably vary in length, but generally speaking, you can expect your Power-Packet each month
to be somewhere between 4-10 pages, sometimes a little more, sometimes slightly less, depending on the topic & time of
year. (Most of us read more in winter, less in late spring.) Your
first Power-Packet for January is ALREADY completed and ready for you, and you will receive access to that immediately upon
enrolling. (This one is 10 pages long, PLUS there is an additional Fire & Ice Primal Creation Story that I have written
for you.) Regular
Value: Priceless! (These Power-Packets will be brand-new, original materials written and channeled by me,
just for this group--it is truly difficult to put a price tag on that.) But if I had to price & offer these
separately, then the price would be at least $100 for all 5 power-packets, possibly $125.
 --Component 3.) Complimentary
enrollment in upcoming Astro-Basics Teleclass Program held in January (an additional 4 classes, also conducted via
telephone) Regular Value: $75-$125 This is included in this Psychic Empowerment Circle program
because I (Psychic Cynthia) feel that you can't truly be empowered on your path if you don't KNOW YOURSELF, and one of the
best (and fastest) ways to begin to know your self & your soul essence is by studying your own astrology chart from a
psychological, spiritual & shamanic perspective.

--Component 4.) THE RUNES are another
tool for empowerment along the magical & spiritual psychic path. Therefore, as part of your membership in this spring
Psychic Empowerment Circle, Psychic Cynthia would like to gift you with a private, one-on-one Path-Finder
Rune Reading. Regular Value: $140. This Path-Finder Rune Reading is a 30-45 minute rune reading conducted via telephone. As the name entails, this kind of reading is ideal for discovering
where you are at on the path of life, where you are headed, and what challenges you may need to go through in order to grow
& progress. It is not "required" that you have this reading done in order to participate in our circle--after
all, it is a GROUP program, so you are NOT required to do any special one-on-one sessions in order to particpate. However,
it's just something nice that Psychic Cynthia would like to give to you if you are interested in experiencing this kind of
runic empowerment reading.
Note from Cynthia regarding the Path-Finder Rune Reading gift:
If you would prefer to book a DIFFEERENT kind of reading during your time in this circle, or if you would like to have a reading
that is longer than 30-45 minutes, you are welcome instead to use the value of the Rune Reading as a credit towards any of
the regular, full-length telephone or in-person readings that I offer. If this is the case, just let me know personally
when you are ready to book your reading, and I will be sure to deduct the $140 value from the total cost of your reading.
Either way, if you are interested in having a Path-Finder Rune Reading done, OR if you would like to use its value
towards payment for another full length telephone or in-person reading, you just need to schedule your reading by or before
May 15th. (That should give you plenty of time to get your reading set-up, should you wish to accept this gift.) --Component 5.) Self-Care Herbal
Power Kit....Regular Value: Varies, depending on items incorporated into your spring Self-care kit,
but usually somewhere between $75-$150 Taking care of self & nurturing one's own body, mind &
soul are also part of the Path of Spiritual Power and spiritual psychic empowerment. To help enrich your own self-care
practice, Psychic Cynthia would like to gift you with a Spring Self Care Kit that will include a selection of herbal &
magical herbal related creations, including at least one bottle of flower essence (probably more!), and herbal tea blends
and/or tinctures, and something that can be added to your bath or otherwise used for psychic cleansing & purification.
NOTE on Herbal Self-Care Kits: These will be put together for the group sometime in February, and distributed
sometime between mid-Feb to mid-March, in conjunction with the beginning of the season of rejuvenation.

Still have Questions? If after reading over the info on this site, you still have questions
about the Psychic Empowerment Circle, please feel free to e-mail Psychic Cynthia with your questions or concerns. (To do this, e-mail,
or use the CONTACT CYNTHIA form on this site.)
