Psychic Cynthia Killion

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Overwhelmed by Spirit Activity? (Helpful Advice) 

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Thursday, February 8, 2024

Nesting Before the New Moon



By Rev. Dr. Psychic Cynthia Killion







We are gearing up to this month’s NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS, which will be exact late tomorrow afternoon (Friday 02-09-2024) here in the states… 


The days leading up to the new moon are a time of cleansing, organizing and preparation for the rebirth and spiritual activation that is just around the corner.

I don’t know about you, but I usually have an intense desire to NEST and CLEAN in the week immediately before the new moon….


Most of the time, I’m a decent housekeeper, but certainly no Martha Stewart.  (After all, I have several pets to keep up with, and no matter how much you clean, feathers and cat hair are a thing around here.)  And yet, come the week before the new moon, I usually start in on one of my over-the-top monthly cleaning frenzies….


This goes WAY beyond the normal maintenance cleaning that I usually do.  I’m talking about the kind of cleaning where you polish the bathroom fixtures and get down on your hands and knees with a rag to deep clean part of the kitchen floor after you have already mopped it.

(A friend of my husband’s once came to visit when I was in the middle of one of these pre-new moon cleaning frenzies…he was so impressed that he asked me if I hired out for my cleaning services, lol.)


Sounds a little insane, I know.  All I can say is that I feel GRIPPED by the powers of the upcoming new moon when I do stuff like this.  You’ve heard of full moon madness? Well, there can also be new moon madness, and this is what it sometimes looks like, lol.


I’m also an intense de-clutterer and re-organizer in the days immediately before the new moon.  I find that it is so much easier to let things go around this time, as my CLARITY increases as it gets closer to the new moon, and so does the urge for SIMPLICITY. 


During this time of the month, I de-clutter and clear out old stuff with the fierceness of a Viking.


I’ve talked to some of my lady friends, and many of them say that they too also have these strong nesting & cleaning urges right around the time of the new moon. I don’t know about my man friends, as I haven’t interviewed any of them about this.  (I can only say that my husband is happy to eat all the extra food that I cook in the week before the new moon, lol.)


It seems to me that nesting and organizing right before the new moon (the darkest night of the month) is just the way that our psyches naturally respond to the shifts and fluctuations in the lunar light.


Even though we may live in modern dwellings in modern times, it’s good to follow our natural rhythms when we can, as that helps to keep us healthy, balanced, and sane.


I also make it a priority to get some extra REST and SLEEP in the days before the new moon.  In fact, even after the new moon has activated exact, I find that it’s helpful to continue to rest up for a few more days yet, while the lunar energies are re-growing and re-building the themselves….

Having adequate sleep is one of the most beneficial things you can do for nearly every aspect of your life, including supporting health, well-being, spiritual awareness and psychic awakening. 


I should add too that to me, there is a difference between rest and sleep.  We need adequate sleep, of course. But in order to function optimally, we also need at least a few brief periods of resting and replenishment throughout the day….


Resting might mean just meditating more or having extra down time.  For example, I read an entire novel this week for fun, something I haven’t allowed myself the time to do for quite a while.  I also took a foot bath last night, to help tap into the strong spiritual cleansing energies that are amplified in the days right before the new moon.


These are things that feel like a luxury to me with all the professional and personal demands that I have on my time. 

And yet, I know deep inside that honoring and attuning with the natural cycles (including those of the moon) is a NECESSITY for health and well-being, and certainly a wiser choice than choosing to try to live against the natural rhythms.


What feels natural & right to YOU in this time right before the new moon?  Are you doing anything special to prepare for this upcoming New Moon? 

3:40 pm cst 

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Cynthia Killion * Psychic Cynthia *  316.347.9481 * (E-mail or FB message usually best way to contact)